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May 30, 2023

Bringing StellarX To Standalone Devices on the Meta Quest Store

When Meta announced their intention to release the new Meta Quest Pro headset, we saw a golden opportunity to diversify StellarX’s accessibility. Here, at OVA & StellarX, our core mission is to make immersive experiences accessible to just about anyone; and, as such, we believe that making StellarX available through mobile standalone VR devices is as essential as ensuring that we are hardware agnostic, which means supporting various ecosystems while maintaining full cross-platform compatibility. For us, multimodality is key — and we are always eager to explore new ways of interacting with “realities”. ✨

So, when Meta offered us the opportunity to bring StellarX to their ecosystem, we were absolutely stoked. The port would allow us to work on implementing Mixed Reality features (scheduled to start unrolling very soon) to the platform, while making StellarX a fully-fledged standalone and cross-platform VR product. Meta understood the great potential offered by StellarX as a Space that allows anyone to create immersive, interactive, and collaborative experiences.

And now, after months of hard work… we’re proud to say that StellarX standalone has finally become reality! StellarX was launched on the Meta Quest Store as of April 27, 2023. 🎉

As straightforward as it sounds, this wasn’t exactly an easy deal. There were lots to consider, and plenty of time, effort, and resources were invested in this project from the R&D, Development, Design, and Art teams alike. Wanna know how we made it happen? Let us walk you through the whole port process from a few different points of view!

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