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March 21, 2023

StellarX joins the DAIR Green Fund

OVA’s ‘Remote Training, Unrestricted’ project has been chosen for funding by the Downsview Aerospace Innovation & Research’s (DAIR) Green Fund initiative.

Funding Initiative

The DAIR Green Fund empowers small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to transform the southern Ontario aerospace industry through sustainable and green aviation technologies and solutions. Funded by the Government of Canada through the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario), this initiative fuels DAIR’s mission to revolutionize the collaborative environment by catalyzing innovation in aerospace and beyond. By strengthening forward-thinking ideas and providing SMEs with technology, collaboration, partnerships, people and services, the DAIR Green Fund drives impactful change across our industrial sectors and better outcomes for Canada’s sustainable aerospace goals.

Funding Overview

DAIR will be supporting 75 percent of the total project cost, to a maximum of $75,000, and OVA Inc. will contribute the remaining 25 percent of the total project cost.

Process Overview

DAIR launched a call for proposals in the fall of 2022. Submitted projects were assessed by a review committee to ensure a tenable means to achieve target metrics was established. The committee reviewed projects to determine those that would be supported by the DAIR Green Fund and looked at issues such as pathway to commercialization, collaboration, leveraged support and impact on the industry, as related to green aviation and sustainability.

Project Duration

SMEs announced on March 14 will report back and complete activities by January 31, 2024.

Problem: Remote operations assistance and training is typically facilitated with the learner using either a VR headset or an AR headset. These experiences are restricted as a result of the combination of hardware, software, and developed training curriculum. Furthermore, the speed at which digital environments and equipment can be custom made is not fast enough to warrant this technology’s cost-effective use.

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